Anatomical Heart with Birds
drawing, TheArtOfScienceCo.
She’s watched the monitors. His heart
is sound. But what’s this?
a chickadee is perched below
the superior vena cava, and between
left atrium and pulmonary artery
a hummingbird lifts its probing hunger
for the heart-sweet.
A nurse has drawn this, inspired
by fellow healthcare workers.
How could a nurse know her bird-
bander’s heart– builder and monitor
of nesting boxes in his prime?
Outside these walls it’s nesting season.
Bluebirds have begun
a neat grass cup in the box he hung
on stockwire fence. She watched
two birds by glimpses among leafing
branches of an oak, their mating dance.
Her husband is an oak, she thinks,
his heartwood solid.
The green growing world is in love.
It’s time for him to come back home.
~ Taylor Graham
