On Friday we watched the annual Hwy 50 Wagon Trail pull in to Pollock Pines – reading horse poems to each other while we awaited its arrival “on horse time.” Yesterday evening I caught the Pony Express Re-Ride at Pleasant Grove, a waystation on the old Trail. Both events cancelled last year because of Covid. Here are snippets I jotted down, waiting for the Pony to arrive “on horse time.”
Following the Pony
Interactive map
Old Town Sac to St. Joe Missouri – 10 days 24 hrs/day –
4 hours out, LeadRider icon’s red – behind schedule.
Pleasant Grove, lady saddles her horse:
It’s OK, we’re gonna make up time.
I’m just a follower
taking in by osmosis / years of horse drought.
Pony just left Malcom Dixon.
I’m squinting west to see
horse & rider materialize out of sunset.
Rocko sidles up, lowers his head,
pushes against me: Let’s go! he tells me in Horse.
~ Taylor Graham
